November 29, 2011

Blog Name Change

Ok so I know I haven't been with this blog name for a long time, but I don't think I like it anymore. So for the past few weeks I've been thinking of a new name to call this blog. I wanted something that's not depressing, cause according to my mom "The Lonely Waffle" is. I also wanted something that I could use potentially in the future, aka hopefully this summer, to sell my fashion line I've designed.

So without further ado my new blog name is "Showering Strawberries"
I really like it. My boyfriend actually came up with it, not this name exactly but something quite close to it. I played around with what he suggested and came out with "Showering Strawberries", as stated above. :P

I will keep my url the same just so it's easy to find. But yay new name that isn't depressing and surprisingly fits me, or at least the me in my head. Now gotta work on a layout to accommodate new blog name, exciting!

November 17, 2011

So apparently I'm the worst blogger in the world cause I never post anything or I'm the most boring person in the world cause I never post anything. Either one still pretty bad. The past weeks have been filled with homework, more homework, and some Viva Pinata playing. Holy cow do I love that game. My manlyfriend got a new (well preloved but new to him) Xbox and well that first night of having I played Viva Pinata all night long! In Viva Pinata you are a gardener trying to make the best garden so all the Pinata's in the world come and reside there. It's so bright and colourful and I really like the realistic time that's in it. OK so not how long an our days are but it's got its own day length. I can't wait to go over to his house again and keep playing :D. I do suggest if anyone loves building things and playing with adorable creatures to try out this game!

(wikipedia, Viva Pinata)
(Trailer, just gotta wait out the ad that plays first, it's only like 10 seconds)

October 29, 2011

Parka Parka

It's so cold in my house so tonight I decided to wear my coat in the house to keep warm. Here's my coat eating me :D

And me looking particularly gangster :p

October 22, 2011

Epic Meal Time

Or at least it was for me. Just a quick look at what I ate the other day for the dinner. It was Cheddar and Potato Perogie, Cream Cheese and Boursin Pepper Cheese for dipping (no sour cream boo) sandwich 1: Roasted Red Pepper, Cheddar Cheese (Mild), Dijon Mustard, Tomato, Mushrooms, sandwich 2: Roasted Red Pepper, Boursin Pepper Cheese, Brie, Mushrooms. It was phenomenal! Oh and some Maple Beer, good but very sweet and can't drink it all at once. :D

October 21, 2011

In the Navy

I had been eyeing this purse from Vonlenska on Etsy for quite sometime. Maybe saw it first in the summer. When I saw it I thought it was the darn cutest thing but I didn't need a new purse (not that I really need a new purse) so buying it seemed frivolous at the time. But I eventually gave into my whims and got it! And I really like it. Given I can't use it all the time because it's so small and I'm usually going to school or work but on those days when I don't need a giant bag it is perfect. 

The packaging was just lovely. I do enjoy a good brown paper wrapping. It came promptly, with a week and a half, what you can expect from US to Canada shipping. If I ever find something I like from Vonlenska again I will not hesitate to get it. (I probably will like something from them again, just need the funds first :p)

October 20, 2011

Cozy Wool Sweater

 I've had this sweater for about 3 years now, but I don't wear it that often. Mostly because it's wool and I find wool to be the most itchy thing that comes in contact with my skin. So whenever I wear this sweater I always have to wear a long sleeve shirt underneath which means it has to be extra chilly outside so I'm not sweating buckets when I walk to and fro. However, on the day I chose to wear it it turned out to be 20° out (Celsius). So I ended up sweating buckets. I should really pay more attention to weather changes during the day. My sweater is from H&M as are the shorts and tights, the shirt is thrifted, shoes are from payless, and the purse is from etsy (Vonlenska)

(I'll post about the bag tomorrow :D)

October 7, 2011

So many Kitties!

Just some pictures of my kitties, mostly just Tilly this time. :P

 She looks so unimpressed with me right here (in both the above and below pics)

September 28, 2011

A Quickie

Just a quick outfit post of an outfit I wore the other day. Well...I didn't actually wear the shoes or necklace. It is more of a "What I would wear if I didn't work with children" sort of outfit. :P

September 27, 2011

Busy Worker Bee

Hi again! Been a long time once again. Well this time I got busy with school and I got myself a manfriend. :D I'm pretty thrilled about the latter but I won't go all mushy mushy on here.

I have come today with a TUTORIAL!! for everyone.

Ok so about two weeks ago my friend gave me a picture she found in a newspaper that she thought I might like. Guess what!? I do like it! But alas I was stumped on how I could put it up on my wall. I didn't want to just tacs it up, I thought it deserved better than that. So I thought long and hard and I finally came up with what to do with it. (All this intro makes it seem like it's gonna be something extra special, but really it's not) So here I go with my first ever tutorial.

 What you need:
1. Mod Podge (or I'm sure some sort of white glue will work too, just make sure to water it down)
2. Scissors
3. Paint brush
4. Old notebook, we'll be using the back cardboard part
5. Last but not least, the picture you want to use
(6. *Not in picture* The frame you want to use for your final art piece)

Step 1: Remove back cardboard from notebook

Step 2: Mod Podge the cardboard (or use glue)

Step 3: Place picture on top and Mod Podge over the picture. Put the picture on slowly and start  by placing one side down first and slowly smoothing the rest on as you go. (I didn't do that here and I got creases and some bubbles on my picture)
Step 4: Allow glue to fully dry before moving on to Step 5

Step 5: Cut picture to fit into the frame. Make sure you measure carefully, you don't want any side peeking through.
Step 6: Hang or place where ever you like!

There all done! That was easy, wasn't it. I'm going to hang mine on my wall, I just need to buy nails first.
I hope everyone has a lovely day and enjoyed this tutorial. :D

September 5, 2011

Labour Day

Labour Day here in the Great White North. It marks the last day of summer for me and I couldn't be more excited. I'm absolutely thrilled school is starting again. Four and a half months of time off is quite enough for me, thank you very much. I'm taking some pretty interesting courses this semester, one is History of Ireland! I've always been fascinated with history but haven't taken a course until now.

I finally took some pictures again. And again they are of Chicken (Tilly will get her own post soon). Chicken is such an adorable cat. She has really come around in the past few months. When we got her she was frightened by everything but now she just lays there all calm and cute like. Makes me go all >_<

I don't know if you can tell but my bed is covered in her hair. She sheds constantly and a lot. We really need to brush her but the brush we have really only works for Tilly's hair, she needs a long haired cat brush.

August 29, 2011

Long Time No Post

So it's been quite a while since I last posted. And boy have I done nothing in that time. Haha. I did go to Fan Expo in Toronto which to be honest was probably one of the best days I had this summer. I totally would have gone for all four days but that is expensive and I was only able to be in Toronto for a few days. I saw so many people dressed as the 11th Doctor and the 10th Doctor. Oh and some 4th Doctor. I personally wore my Spock t-shirt, which in my humble opinion is amazing.

I'm so excited for September 2 because that's I get internet in my apartment again!! YAY for the internet! As much as I enjoy lugging my huge ass computer to the library, I really don't. This computer will get to forever remain on my bed where it belongs.

And now for some entertainment.

August 11, 2011

Pin Curls

I decided late last night that I wanted to pin curl my hair. So I did. I think it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. It could definitely be better though. Also next time I won't do an elevated pin curl on the right side of my head...I got kind of lazy by the end. I used bobby pins with a wave like I normally do but this time I saw the dreaded crimp in my hair that I have heard so much about. It was really hard to brush out, so I think it might be time I got myself some two prong pin curl clips. I really like the way pin curls look with my hair so I don't think they would be a waste of my money. I guess it's time to scour ebay!

(I apologize for the uninterested face. I took this in the food court at the mall, really awkward!!!)

August 9, 2011

Lost And Found

I left my camera in Toronto and I actually had photos to post. I unfortunately won't be able to get my camera till the end of August when my mom comes to visit me. This is a sad day. Maybe this will give me an excuse to use my analog camera. I also have a disposable camera I found in my mom's basement. I have no idea what is on it and I can't wait to get the photos developed.

August 6, 2011

Cinnamon Sugar Pull Apart Bread

Yesterday I went to my friend's house and we made this Cinnamon Sugar Pull Apart Bread from Cake Duchess. It was so amazing. It even turned out better than the first time we made a few months ago. The bread rose a lot more this time around making it so much more fluffier and even more delicious. We devoured most of it within 20 minutes of it being ready to eat. By ready to eat I mean we waited 10 minutes after it got out of the oven and then we couldn't handle it anymore and had to eat some!

(I swear I'll post my outfit from Wednesday, it just won't be all dressed up. I ran out of time before I could take some photos, woopsy)

August 3, 2011

Imelda May

Going to see her tonight! I'm so excited! I'm getting all primed and proper for the evening. I just hope my hair turns out okay. I did it in pin curls. I'm not the best at making them. I like to blame it on the fact that I have dark hair but I know that's not the case. Oh well here's to hoping. I'll post some outfit shots tomorrow. I have the cutest dress to wear tonight, it's got strawberries :D.

July 29, 2011

75th Anniversary

Tomorrow is my Grandma's 75th birthday party. I'm excited for it. My whole family is going to be coming in from all over to party. My aunt is coming in from NY today, my cousins are coming in from Montreal, even a cousin from Calgary is coming in. What a popular lady my gma is.

So since I have nothing new going on, BESIDES SEEING HARRY POTTER YESTERDAY (which was unbelievably amazing) here is a song I found yesterday. It's sad but I like it. :D

July 26, 2011

Today's Found Things

These are some things I found while scouring the internet today since I can't really do much while I heal.

1. These two Blowfish Shoes. I feel like I'm on the late bus with this one. All the shoes are so pretty and they actually look comfortable to wear. Maybe one day when I'm not a poor student I'll buy a pair. 

Woburn                                                                                   Rescue

2. Awesome looking profile pillows DIY by a guest poster I found on ♥elycia today. Definitely going to make one of each of my cats. 

4. Torchwood!!! Ok I didn't actually find it today. I just watched the first three episodes of Miracle Day. It has a completely different feel from the past 3 series which I am really liking. There hasn't been any out right alien talk and I'm excited to see how aliens fit in. 

5.  These Pippa's Sandal wedges on I have a thing for wedges. 

Anyone else find anything interesting today?

July 10, 2011

Sunday Sweeties

I think it's about time I have a day where I post things that I like of the week or just a series of things that I like. Mostly clothes because well I'm slightly obsessed with them. So for the first post in this series of hopefully many I will focus on...dresses!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

July 9, 2011

Simon the Old

 While I was away in Toronto I had to do something really tough for me. I had to put my cat down. He was really really sick, the vet had told us a month earlier that he had kidney failure. The vet wanted to put him down right then and there but I couldn't do it. My cat honestly had become like a brother and a child to me all in one. I had had him since I was two years old. That's 18 years Simon was in my life.

 But after I arrived back in Toronto a few weeks ago his condition rapidly deteriorated. So my mom took him to the vet and with in hours she had picked me up and we were on our way to put my kitty down. I know that it is for the best. He probably wouldn't have survived that weekend and it would be just cruel to keep him alive any longer. I don't think I will ever stop missing Simon, he was my first pet, but he became more than that to me. He became my companion who I knew could do no harm to me. 

He would have been 20 in September. 

July 7, 2011

Summer on the Hills

So since I have no internet for the next two months I have come up with a tentative list of goals that are non-internet related to get done this summer. I will probably add more to it as the summer progresses. 

  • Clean and organize my room (repeatedly)
  • Finish sewing projects
  • Redo Etsy photos and add more items to my shop
  • Go to the park and read at least twice a week
  • Go camping again (I want to go so badly!!)

July 6, 2011

Back in the Hood

A few days ago I returned to Montreal with no internet in my apartment. I knew this was going to happen. My roommate and I had discussed it obviously before it was cancelled. But I miss it. I miss being able to watch tv shows at my leisure. Mostly because when I get home from work it's usually past 7pm and I feel going to a coffee shop that late is a little unrealistic. I probably only think that way because my computer is HUGE. I mean like 17.5 inch screen. Who needs that, honestly. It's a pain to drag around.

But I am determined to do more this summer that does not involve the internet. Tomorrow I'll post a list of summer goals! Like going to the library. Though I do have to find my library card, I seemed to have misplaced that like everything else I own.  

So now I'm going to sit in Second Cup until some shows are downloaded so I can have something to watch when I get home from babysitting later tonight. 

July 1, 2011

Driving Lessons

I went driving for the first time ever today. I made my mom take me around the neighbourhood. It was frightening to say the least. I'm just glad I didn't hit any cars or children for that matter. I almost did crash though. Right at the end, of course, when I was trying to pull into the driveway. I was so close to going right into the tree but luckily I stomped on the brakes just in the nick of time.

I don't know if I'll ever go driving again. Well I mean I will but I probably won't really want to. I feel like having a drivers license is just something useful to have. Because I don't plan on driving that much, ever. I guess I'll get better as I do it more, but doing it more just seems scary. Especially in my area where there are an abundance of children constantly in the road playing.

I suppose I'll just have to see how I feel in a couple of days. Maybe I'll get in one more driving lesson before I depart back to Montreal.

June 21, 2011


I went camping this weekend!

I haven't been camping in almost 5 years and even then it doesn't count because it was a trip I took while I was at sleep-over camp. 

 I went with 3 friends and we had such a great time. We spent the whole time cooking, eating, and drinking. The food we made was some of the best tasting food I have ever had. Shish kabobs the first night, LOTS of eggs for breakfast the next morning and so much more food.

Me preparing the candied apple croissant pastry thingy 

There's just something special about cooking your food a top a fire. It gives it a flavour that you can't replicate anywhere else. I can't wait till I can go camping again. Maybe next time we'll bring some horses along for the ride.