July 26, 2011

Today's Found Things

These are some things I found while scouring the internet today since I can't really do much while I heal.

1. These two Blowfish Shoes. I feel like I'm on the late bus with this one. All the shoes are so pretty and they actually look comfortable to wear. Maybe one day when I'm not a poor student I'll buy a pair. 

Woburn                                                                                   Rescue

2. Awesome looking profile pillows DIY by a guest poster I found on ♥elycia today. Definitely going to make one of each of my cats. 

4. Torchwood!!! Ok I didn't actually find it today. I just watched the first three episodes of Miracle Day. It has a completely different feel from the past 3 series which I am really liking. There hasn't been any out right alien talk and I'm excited to see how aliens fit in. 

5.  These Pippa's Sandal wedges on shoppop.com. I have a thing for wedges. 

Anyone else find anything interesting today?

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