September 5, 2011

Labour Day

Labour Day here in the Great White North. It marks the last day of summer for me and I couldn't be more excited. I'm absolutely thrilled school is starting again. Four and a half months of time off is quite enough for me, thank you very much. I'm taking some pretty interesting courses this semester, one is History of Ireland! I've always been fascinated with history but haven't taken a course until now.

I finally took some pictures again. And again they are of Chicken (Tilly will get her own post soon). Chicken is such an adorable cat. She has really come around in the past few months. When we got her she was frightened by everything but now she just lays there all calm and cute like. Makes me go all >_<

I don't know if you can tell but my bed is covered in her hair. She sheds constantly and a lot. We really need to brush her but the brush we have really only works for Tilly's hair, she needs a long haired cat brush.

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